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In the treatment for snoring the operation is designed for the problems of intense snoring and sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep apnea syndrome consists in interruption of breath during sleep. It is very dangerous because it burdens cardiac rhythm and blood oxygenation. This syndrome is observed both in children and in adults.

In children the solution is to remove tonsils and adenoids. In adults a tonsillectomy and widening of the throat arch with simultaneous uvula reduction. Palatopharyngeal plastic surgery as a treatment for snoring provides solutions both for the problem of intense snoring and sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea

Serious blockage of the airway with implications for health.


Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a serious disorder characterized by partial or total obstruction of the upper respiratory tract during sleep. Breathing stops for 10 -20 seconds and this is repeated hundreds of times until waking up.

Patients suffering from sleep apnea syndrome never reach the REM sleep stage as the brain is obliged to wake up the body constantly when breathing stops while oxygen levels in blood fall dangerously.


  1. Nasal obstruction (tilted septum, concha hypertrophy, adenoid hypertrophy)
  2. Relaxed palate
  3. Narrowing of the oropharynx and nose and throat
  4. Loose throat – uvula tissues
  5. Sizeable lingual tonsil
  6. Hypertrophic tonsils
  7. Big and loose epiglottis
  8. Posterior position of hyoid bone
  9. Posterior position of the lower mandible
  10. Increased Probability for Apnea Syndrome
  11. At greater risk for apnea syndrome

Overweight Man

  • Family members with apnea syndrome
  • Age >65
  • Smoker
  • Anatomical structure (short thick neck, small chin)


  • Dry mouth and throat dryness
  • Nocturnal sweating
  • Snoring
  • Sleepiness during the day
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Pulmonary disease
  • Morning headaches
  • Fatigue and lack of concentration.


  • Clinical ENT examination, nose-throat endoscopy

Solutions – snoring Treatment

Surgical treatment of snoring

1) Nose surgery
Includes a multitude of operations which free breathing as a whole but also the mucus falling postnasally when lying down

  • Septum alignment
  • Conchotomies
  • Nasal valve restoration
  • Operations for sinusitis and nasal polyps
  • Adenectomy

2) Palatopharyngeal plastic surgery

The main operation designed specifically for the treatment and response to snoring and apnea syndrome.

It treats the loosening of the throat walls, elongated uvula, tonsil hypertrophy.

It is successful at over 80% in well-selected patients.

It is divided in:

  • Palatopharyngeal Laser plastic under local anesthesia
  • Vaporization of part of the uvula and the loosening in the throat
  • Lateral pharyngoplasty with tonsillectomy

When we have a significant narrowing in the lateral walls due to the volume of hypertrophic tonsils.

When the tonsils are removed and the throat arches are sutured among themselves in the suitable direction, all the dimensions (height – width – depth) of the throat change and widen


What happens when we snore? Where is snoring produced?

Snoring is produced by narrowing of the airway from the throat and up. That is, it is mainly produced by an elongated uvula, hypertrophic tonsils and adenoids, enlarged tongue base, but also obstacles to nasal breathing like polyps, tilted septum, swollen conchae.

What is the apnea syndrome?

It is the interruption of our breathing for 10” or more which is repeated many times during sleep. The whole body reacts, the heart becomes tired and produces arrythmias, blood and brain oxygenation fall even to a serious degree and the person wakes up with a sense of suffocating or has restless and not deep sleep.

How do we realize that things are serious and we have to go to the doctor?

We observe fatigue, morning headaches, intense sleepiness when sitting down, driving. Other indications are hypertension problems, sexual life disruptions, failure to concentrate in work.

What must we do? What tests?

Initially a clinical examination with an ENT surgeon, in order to do a nose and throat endoscopy. Then a sleep study is required in order to determine the severity of the syndrome.

What is the treatment? How do I stop snoring?

Sleep apnea syndrome as well as snoring are mainly of the obstructive type due to tonsil swelling, tilted septum etc. Therefore the best treatment is a surgical operation in order to widen the respiratory tracts. The success rate is very high. It is also recommended to lose weight for overweight people and have small meals in the evening before sleep.